Become a Sponsor

Choose the best way to highlight your brand with Central Florida’s premier volunteer event!

Volunteers for Community Impact invites you to be a part of Central Florida’s premiere volunteer event. This year’s Volunteer Recognition Banquet will be held on Thursday June 12th, 2025, at the Rosen Plaza Hotel. With an expected attendance of over 400 volunteers, community stakeholders, and elected officials, from across Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia Counties, this promises to be the event of the season. We hope you will be able to join us!

Volunteers for Community Impact has served Central Florida for the past 51 years! The funds raised by this event are used to support our volunteers and programs that change the lives of children, adults and seniors. Please join us as a sponsor.

Your sponsorship will help ensure the success of our 810 dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to better the lives of so many here in Central Florida providing over 308,000 hours of services to more than 12,000 individuals. Enclosed please find more information on this exciting event and its sponsorship levels.

On behalf of all who will benefit from your sponsorship, thank you! You are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about our sponsorship opportunities or our programs, please feel free to give us a call at 407- 298-4180. Together, we can change the lives of Central Florida children forever. Please join with us by becoming one of our sponsors!

Sponsors – Are you a company or business that would like to help volunteers that support your communities? Consider becoming a sponsor for our volunteer recognition! We have multiple packages along with advertisement opportunities. Help support volunteers in your community by recognizing all the good they do.

Applications, ticket requests, and payments must be received by Monday, May 20, 2024

For more information, please contact Scott at

Community Champion – $10,000 Donation

  • Name and/or corporate logo placement on all print and online communications for event.
  • Full-page back cover advertisement and full-page advertisement in the Volunteer Recognition Program book.
  • Logo with link to sponsor’s website on the VCI event website and email promotions. Along with a full year on our website as a community supporter with shoutouts every quarter.
  • Large event signage (Banner, Logo on stage) and video message (w/o sound) played on a large screen video scroll during the event.
  • Listed as Community Champion sponsor on all 30 volunteer tables.
  • Podium recognition and acknowledgment at the beginning and end of the event.
  • 2 Tables of (8/10) for sponsor representatives at the luncheon (lunch included).
  • Promotional materials from the company or company is acknowledged at each quarterly in-service with around 200 unique people each.
  • Presentation of an award plaque during the recognition event as VCI’s Community Champion of 2025.

Impact Partner – $5,000 Donation

  • Name and/or corporate logo placement on all print and online communications for event.
  • Full-page advertisement in the Volunteer Recognition Program book.
  • Logo with link to sponsor’s website on the VCI event website. Along with 6 months on our website as a community supporter.
  • Large event signage (Banner, Logo on stage) and sponsor acknowledged on the large screen played throughout the event.
  • Listed as an Impact Partner sponsor on all 30 volunteer tables.
  • 1 Table of 8/10 for sponsor representatives at the luncheon (lunch included).
  • Presentation of an award plaque during the recognition event as a VCI Impact Partner for 2025.

Service Advocate – $2,500 Donation

  • Name and/or corporate logo placement on all print and online event communications.
  • Half-page advertisement in the Volunteer Recognition Program book.
  • Logo with link to sponsor’s website on the VCI event website.
  • Three months on our website as a community supporter.
  • Event signage.
  • 1 Table of 8/10 for sponsor representatives at the luncheon (lunch included).
  • Presentation of an award plaque during the recognition event as a VCI Service Advocate supporter for 2025.

Volunteer Sponsor – $1,000 Donation

  • Name and/or corporate logo placement on all print and online event communications.
  • Acknowledgement in the Volunteer Recognition Program book.
  • Logo with link to sponsor’s website on the VCI event website.
  • Recognition in the luncheon’s printed program and in group screen listing.
  • Five Tickets to the event.

1 Luncheon Ticket – $125
If you wish to support our volunteers, but the above options do not apply to you, you can purchase a ticket to attend the event for a donation of $125.

Please make checks payable to
“Volunteers for Community Impact”

Applications must be received by Friday, May 16, 2025.

Send completed application and payment to:
Volunteers for Community Impact
3545 Lake Breeze Dr.
Orlando, FL 32808

If scanning and emailing the
application/payment information please send to:

Scott Chauveaux
Marketing Manager

Program Advertising

Printed Programs will be distributed to over 400 attendees and all advertisements will be listed in the video scroll. The cost for full-page; half-page; includes listing in the video scroll at the corresponding level (i.e. full-page also gets a full-screen ad/message).

  • Full Page: $500
  • 1/2 Page: $300